Friday, June 3, 2011



I guess the holiday mode is getting to me, you know, the whole ' I'm so bored, I could die' scenario.

Guess that kinda explains the randomness in the post. Maybe its also the fact that reading others blogs just makes you feel nostalgic and the itch in your fingers wanting to desperately type something on your mind starts to take over your mind. Amazing what blogs and can do.

Been pretty busy lately with the all the activities even though its the holidays. Its nice to know that I'm occupied and I won't be easily bored yet it tires the heck outta me. Morning practices, the articles, the planning. ICC Carnival meetings are coming up soon too! Plus I've got lisan and moral tugasans to actually plan out and do. Mum told me she's surprised I'm not burying myself yet cause she expected me to hang myself by now. No worries, I'm pretty surprised in myself too. (Y)

OH OH! And Supercamp2011 was a couple of days ago. Sooooo worth my time. (: T'was fun abseiling down the man-made wall and watching people shake in fear at the edge of the 40 feet high wall. No seriously, the fact that you're just sitting at the top of that tower amongst the trees can make you pee in your pants. River rafting was not really what I expected it to be, but it was nice to just sit there and follow the water current of the river. Well, if you minus the fact that your raft goes over these huge rocks and branches that stick out from the water. &! Dance floor. Best damn feeling of performing and dancing again. Kinda made me miss WildChild practices THAT much more.

Spent the day at practice. (Yes, the stunts sequence is finally complete) Adrian picked Eva, Ginny, Crystal and I and headed for the tailors. Dropped MeiKuan on the way. For once, Im happy/satisfied/proud/feeling accomplished about a uniform. Went to IOI after for lunch and material hunting. Ended up eating and PapaJohn's. Shared a pizza since everyone was broke and then he bought me TuttiFruitti! But he kinda killed it by literally spamming the whole lot of frozen yogurt with Hershey's chocolate sauce. Hit Daiso and left empty handed failing to find anything we needed. Eva and Ginny left after and we went to this shop to get cloth for our props. Progressive max. (': Sent Crystal home then went back after.

Today was just plain epic. The 3 of us started to fast walk in a gay style around the mall. You know the whole arms by your side, moving of the hips. Got a billion and one stares from on lookers. AND we ran through the carpark, Naruto style. (; Retards.

Camwhoring while I was changing. Nice. (Y)

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